ITima offers more than 500 hardware and software instructor led training solutions for your specific needs.
Corporations spend hundreds of thousands of dollars upgrading their computer systems making sure that their in-house technology is up to current standards. We believe that, in addition to upgrading computer systems, the staff using those modified computers needs training on how to maximize their productivity on the programs installed on them. Business computer technology changes very quickly, and unless the users working with the technology keep up to date, many of the newer features are not utilized. An upgrade can have no impact on productivity unless the users are also aware of the changes.
Through our Training Center Partners, we have trained office support on how to maximize their spreadsheet programs, and networking professions in how to design, develop, deploy and maintain secured client server environments, as well as, taught today’s e-commerce software developers how to utilize the latest in software technologies. ITima can assist in the set up and customization of the classroom to fit your specific needs. We can work with you to customize your class environment to directly apply to the systems, the software or the internal challenges your client may be facing. ITima has the technical expertise to teach your students what they need to know to maximize their productivity.